Pillow Talk

Learn about English pillow talk! Enhance your language skills by expanding your active vocabulary, learning the appropriate adjectives, fillings and pillow types to satisfy any guest's interrogation!


Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams Getting your beauty sleep is important! And for guests it is paramount to their experience.  🛌 When guests turn in and hit the sack, we hope they go out like a light and sleep…


British vs American English: Food and Drink

British vs American English:  Food and Drink When it comes to food and drink, British and American English has many differences!  So when it comes to understanding a guest’s room service request, stocking up the minibar…


Making Presentations in English

Advice on giving a presentation ✅  You owe it to your audience to prepare thoroughly, so don’t just wing it. ✅  Decide on just two or three main messages that you would like the audience to…
